Měsíc: Leden 2022

Online God’s Imprints with Jiri Ledvinka
(translated to English)
22.3.2022 from 7pm

When: on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM (19:00 – 20:30 Prague CZ time)

Where: online – using Zoom application

Price: 1600 CZK / 63 € / 71 $ / 53 GBP  per person  (inclusive VAT)


This unique event model is intended for those who seek deeper answers to the questions of everyday events without trying to grasp the course of everyday life merely with their mind, no matter how it manifests at that moment. The discussion is open to all those who are willing to cross the threshold of everyday curiosity, to those who desire to immerse themselves in the greater depth of the Divine essence, which is also their own essence. 

Your questions, answers to them, as well as the distance harmonisation process will be more intense, and the substantial may occur through words or beyond them. We will touch all levels of existence regardless of how they would be understood by the mind. The whole session will be supported by an intense harmonisation process which will be fully active in the course the whole discussion. As for the effect, it is irrelevant whether you are sitting in the same room just a few meters away, at home at your computer, or even in another country. 

The invitation thus applies to all those who desire to begin to touch other levels of reality yet unknown, to all those who are ready to bring God´s imprints within themselves to a conscious level.
We look forward to all the brave who are ready to turn their attention beyond fear and suffering.

Online event will be translated between Czech and English, including your questions to Jiri and his answers to you.


We would like to ask Czech speaking attendants to remain without questions this time, to give priority and space to only English-speaking participants from abroad.

You can join the live stream no sooner than 10 minutes prior to its beginning.
The recording of the live stream will be accessible for 2 weeks – the next day following the live stream, all enrolled attendants will be emailed a link enabling them to watch the recording.

Enrolment is already closed.

Registration and enrolment directions:

How to place orders and make payments
Fill in the order form attached to this invitation below. After you have filled it in and sent it to us, you will receive an email confirming we had accepted your order, with a proforma invoice attached. Please settle the invoice in the selected currency via a bank transfer. Do not forget to state a variable symbol as payment identifier (in case of an international payment, write the symbol at least in the text field for ´Notes´.

What will follow
In case of a payment withing the Czech Republic, the transfer takes 1-2 workdays; in case of an international payment, it takes 1-4 workdays. Upon payment, you will receive an email confirming we have received your payment including a link to Zoom application where the meeting will be held later.

Getting connected via Zoom application
First, it is necessary to register with Zoom at the website https://www.zoom.us/signup, (those of you who do not have your own account), and to download the app on your desktop.  Please find the login and operation guide HERE. In the application, click on the icon „Join meeting“ and copy your login data here, or click on the link from the access email.  

You can join the live stream no sooner than 10 minutes prior to its beginning.


How to make payments correctly?
In case of classic transfer payment – Upon placing your order, you will receive an email with a proforma invoice attached, with all necessary information and data.  While making the payment, it is necessary to enter the variable symbol as the payment identifier (it is unique for each order – thus, every and each payment should be made separately, not more at once).  You are also advised to write your name in the text field ´Notes´. Otherwise, your payment cannot be identified.
In case, you pay directly, via online card payment (GoPay gate) – your order is processed immediatelly and just after the ordering and payment you should receive final confirmation and Zoom access data to your email.

How long do standard money transfers take?
It depends on the country and on the bank.  Within the Czech Republic, bank transfers are carried out within the same day or the next workday.  International payments take 1-4 workdays depending on the bank you are using.  If you make your payment via a post office abroad, the payment may take a week.

What if I do not receive access details for an online event?
If you do not receive the access email by the next evening upon a payment in the Czech Republic or via online GoPay gate, or by 4 workdays upon a cross-border payment, or generally by the morning of the day of the live stream, please email to platby@nadejecloveka.cz with a roof of money transfer attached, and we will send you the access email manually.  Not receiving access emails usually results from a) a misprint in the email address stated in the order, b) a company email address stated in your order – company firewalls do usually not deliver our emails, c) our email ended up in your spam file which gets regularly deleted.

You are kindly requested to check your access details in time. If you start seeking them 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the live stream, our technical support may be too busy then, and you may not get your access details in time.

I have received a payment reminder although I had made the payment
Because it is a bank transfer, not an online payment, banks can take time (e.g., there are no international payments at the weekend, also within the Czech Republic transfers may take overnight). On the other side, our order system sends emails automatically on the 3rd and 6th day upon receiving the order.  Should you have already paid, and your payment is on the way, everything is all right.  As soon as we have received your payment, it will be matched to your original order, and you can disregard our reminder.

When is the deadline for online events enrolment?
Enrolment closes when the maximum number of attendants has been reached (e.g., Advanced Imprints are usually full within 1-2 days), or 5 days prior to the beginning of the given event, so that international payments can be made, and everybody can receive their access details in time.

What is the highest number of attendants at various online events?
Online God´s Imprints – unlimited. Online Meetup in the Divinity – unlimited. Online God´s Imprints in Silence – unlimited. Online Conscious Meetups with Soňa Šťastná – 70 attendants. Online talks with Jiří and Katarína Soleil – 150 attendants. Online talks with Jaroslav Dušek – unlimited. Other events – as stated on each given invitation.

What if I miss the live stream, is there a recording available? And how about privacy?
Sometimes there is, sometimes there is not – depending on the type of the online event. Imprints and talks are recorded.  The next day following the live stream, all enrolled attendants are emailed a link enabling them to watch the recording (the recording is not available on the original access link, you need a new link.). The recording is available 14 days following the live stream, then it is automatically deleted by Zoom. The recording shows only the person who is speaking at that moment, i.e., the person who is asking, Jiří, or the organiser – other people cannot be seen.  If you wish to ask a question during a recorded event and remain unknown, you can switch off your camera.  Also, you can enter a nickname or your first name rather than your full name when logging in. By enrolling on a recorded event, you agree with the event being recorded.

Imprints in Silence are not recorded.

Am I entitled to a fee refund if I miss an event?
Unfortunately no. You are yourself responsible for not missing the event.  Therefore, if you do miss it, you are not automatically entitled to a fee refund or to a substitute online event entry. However, you can yield the entry – an online event ticket – to somebody else: your friend, a family member… In exceptional cases, you can try to email the technical support platby@nadejecloveka.cz, and you can try to discuss your situation individually. 

Can I send money in advance without placing an order, or when enrolment has been closed? No.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept payments not matched with orders.

Can I transfer money from abroad in a different manner than via a bank transfer?
Unfortunately no.  For technical reasons, we can only accept bank transfers.  Neither post offices nor services like MoneyGram, Western Union should be used to send cash. 

How shall I register correctly with Zoom?
If you do not have an account, go to  www.zoom.us, then click on Sign up, and go through the registration.  Alternatively, it is possible to download the application from https://zoom.us/download – run it before the meeting, and when you are in, click on „Join“. Should you need operating details, you can find good instructions on internet or youtube.

How often do you offer new events? When will new events be announced?
Generally, once in a month or six weeks.  It depends on how busy Jiří is, on the organisers, on live events.  Online events are planned when there is time.  We do not automatically notify of our new events yet. To follow news in our Events section, you can use free available website monitors.

Does Jiří provide individual consultations?
Unfortunately no. You can meet him and ask him merely during online events via Zoom or during live events.  Should you prefer individual consultation, feel free to turn to Jiří´s colleagues Soňa Šťastná (www.stastna-chvile.cz) or Tomáš Ondák (www.tomasondrak.cz).

What are Jiří´s official communication channels?
All news, invitations, events, talks, discussions, and recordings can be found merely at this official website and at Jiří´s Youtube channel. Naděje člověka does not operate a Facebook or an Instagram profile.  Official interviews and articles can be found also at the websites or Facebook profiles of the people who recorded the interview or talk with Jiří.

Enrolment form:

– The registration form is already closed –

Rozhovor Mgr. Jiřího Hamerského s Jirkou pro Celostní medicínu.cz – 14.1.2022

Rozhovor s Jiřím Ledvinkou: „Když něco ztratíte, těšte se, že přijde ještě něco mnohem lepšího.“

Posláním Jiřího Ledvinky je pomoci druhým lidem najít sebe sama a uzdravit se nejen fyzicky, ale i duchovně. Mnoho otázek spojuje v dnešním rozhovoru stejná linka: Jak spočinout v tom Božím, jak si počkat na to, co od Božství přijde a jak se nenechat vtáhnout do hry temných sil….

Celý článek naleznete po kliknutí na stránkách Celostní medicíny.

Nadcházející akce:

NOVINKA – Besedy pod Krétským sluncem – transformační kurz s Jiřím Ledvinkou a Jaroslavem Grűnwaldem
Kréta / letovisko Bali – Rethymno, 7.-14.6.2025

Popis: Připravili jsme pro vás společný pobytový zájezd na ostrov Kréta, kde s přátelskou atmosférou v rámci naší společné cesty a pobytu proběhne Transformační kurz společně s Jiřím Ledvinkou a Jaroslavem Grűnvaldem.

Kdy: 7.-14.6.2025 (sobota-sobota)
Kde: Kréta, letovisko Bali – Rethymno

Přihlašování: Otevřeno.
Cena: 35 690 Kč (1 415 €) / osobu

Rozhovory a články: